In the vast landscape of human cognition, our brains perform incredible feats every second of every day. One of the most fascinating aspects of this mental machinery is how we process the immense amount of information bombarding our senses at any given moment. Did you know that your brain receives a staggering 400 million bits of information every second? Yet, it can only consciously process about 2,000 bits. This begs the question: what happens to the rest of that information, and how does our brain decide which bits to focus on?
In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the world of brain filtering, explore the principles of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and discover how understanding these concepts can help you redesign your life for the better.
The Brain’s Sophisticated Filtering System
Our brains have evolved a highly sophisticated filtering system to manage the constant influx of information we receive through our five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. This filtering system is crucial for our survival and daily functioning. Without it, we would be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of data, unable to focus on what’s truly important.
The filtering system operates on three primary levels:
- Deletion: This filter completely removes information that is deemed irrelevant or unnecessary. For example, as you’re reading this blog post, you’re likely not consciously aware of the feeling of your clothes against your skin or the ambient sounds in your environment – unless I’ve just brought your attention to them.
- Distortion: This filter alters information to fit our existing beliefs, expectations, or understanding of the world. It’s why two people can witness the same event and come away with different interpretations.
- Generalization: This filter takes specific experiences and applies them broadly, allowing us to learn from past experiences and make quick decisions in similar situations.
These filters work together to create what NLP practitioners call our “Personal Internal Representation” (PIR) of the world around us.
The Power of Personal Internal Representation (PIR)
Our PIR is essentially how we interpret and make sense of the world based on our filtered perceptions. It’s shaped by our past experiences, beliefs, values, and current state of mind. This explains why two people can have entirely different reactions to the same situation.
Let’s consider an example:
Imagine two people, Person A and Person B, watching someone dance at a party. Person A, who loves dancing and has positive associations with it, might feel joy and excitement. Their PIR of the situation is positive, leading to a good mood and encouraging body language. They might even join in the dancing.
On the other hand, Person B, who perhaps had negative experiences with dancing in the past or believes it’s a waste of time, might feel annoyed or uncomfortable. Their PIR of the same situation is negative, potentially leading to closed-off body language and a desire to leave the party early.
This example illustrates how our PIR can significantly influence our state of mind, which in turn affects our actions, behaviors, and ultimately, our life outcomes.
The Mind-Body Connection: How Posture Affects Mood
One of the most powerful insights from NLP is the understanding that the mind and body are intrinsically linked. Our mental state influences our physical posture and body language, but the reverse is also true: our physical posture can have a profound impact on our mental state.
This bidirectional relationship offers a unique opportunity for personal transformation. By consciously changing our body posture or body language, we can actually alter our mood and state of mind. This concept is backed by scientific research, including the famous “power pose” studies that suggest adopting confident postures can increase feelings of power and tolerance for risk.
Here’s a simple exercise you can try right now:
- Sit up straight, pull your shoulders back, and lift your chin slightly.
- Take a deep breath and smile gently.
- Hold this posture for 15-20 seconds.
Did you notice a shift in how you feel? Many people report feeling more confident, positive, and energized after adopting this posture, even for a short time.
Redesigning Your Life Through NLP Principles
Understanding the concepts of brain filtering, PIR, and the mind-body connection opens up exciting possibilities for personal growth and life improvement. Here are some ways you can apply these principles to redesign your life:
- Become aware of your filters: Start paying attention to how you interpret situations. Are there patterns in what you tend to delete, distort, or generalize? Awareness is the first step towards change.
- Challenge your PIR: When you find yourself reacting negatively to a situation, pause and consider alternative interpretations. Is there a more empowering way to view the event?
- Practice positive body language: Regularly adopt postures and facial expressions associated with positive emotions. Even if you don’t feel it at first, your mind will often follow your body’s lead.
- Cultivate mindfulness: Mindfulness practices can help you become more aware of your thoughts and bodily sensations, allowing you to catch negative patterns early and redirect them.
- Reframe negative experiences: When faced with challenges, try to find the learning opportunity or silver lining. This can help shift your PIR and create more positive outcomes in the long run.
- Surround yourself with positivity: Since your brain is constantly filtering information, give it more positive input to work with. This could involve spending time with uplifting people, consuming inspiring content, or engaging in activities you enjoy.
- Set clear goals: Having clear, positive goals can help your brain’s filtering system focus on opportunities and information that will help you achieve those goals.
The Ripple Effect of Positive Change
As you begin to apply these principles, you may notice a ripple effect in your life. Small changes in how you perceive and react to situations can lead to different actions and behaviors. Over time, these can become habits, shaping your personality and ultimately influencing your life’s trajectory.
Remember the equation we discussed earlier: E1 (Event) → PIR → State of Mind → Body Posture/Language → Actions → Behaviors → Habits → Personality → Life/Destiny
By consciously intervening at any point in this chain, you can set off a positive cascade of changes. For instance, deliberately changing your body posture can improve your state of mind, leading to more positive actions and behaviors. As these become habitual, they shape your personality and, ultimately, your life outcomes.
Conclusion: Your Mind, Your Power
The human brain is an incredibly powerful tool, capable of shaping our reality in profound ways. By understanding how it filters information and creates our personal internal representations, we gain the power to influence our perceptions, emotions, and actions.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming offers a set of tools and insights that can help us harness this power. Through conscious awareness and deliberate practice, we can reshape our mental filters, change our PIRs, and ultimately redesign our lives for the better.
Remember, this journey of personal growth and transformation is ongoing. Be patient with yourself, celebrate small victories, and keep exploring the fascinating capabilities of your mind. With time and practice, you’ll find yourself better equipped to navigate life’s challenges and create the positive, fulfilling life you desire.
So, why not start now? Take a moment to sit up straight, smile, and imagine the possibilities that lie ahead. Your journey to a redesigned you begins with a single thought, a single action. Embrace it, and watch as your world transforms, one filtered perception at a time.
About the Author: This blog post is based on insights from Dr. Pratibha Kushwaha, a practicing advocate and certified NLP coach. Dr. Kushwaha is the author of “The Redesigned You,” a self-help book available on Amazon and Flipkart. For more in-depth exploration of these concepts, you may want to check out her book and other resources on Neuro-Linguistic Programming.